Cost and Methodology

The complete online Certificate in Retail Operations (CROps) costs $1,200.00, including books and materials. Each module is also offered individually.

Tuition assistance is available for qualifying individuals. If you are a Retail Alliance member, scholarships are available (outlined below).

The CROps Certificate is a completely virtual, seven-part course that runs for 14-weeks and is designed to be completed before the holiday season begins.

The program uses the concept of the Seven Principles of Retail Excellence as the framework for presenting the key elements of successful retail operations, with each module corresponding to one of the principles.

  • Assessment

    Each individual 2-week-long course concludes with a formative assessment that produces elements that will be used to create what is the summative assessment for the Certificate: a working business plan.

    The summative evaluation for the program will be the business plan produced throughout the course and brought together in the final Business Planning course. The plan will be reviewed, and feedback provided to the participants. The business plan is assessed on a pass/fail basis, but specific observations for improvement will be relayed to participants. Recognition will be given to the participant in a cohort who produces the best overall plan. Participants will be provided a rubric for guidance in understanding the criteria for evaluating the plans.

    Certificates will not be awarded unless the business plan is passed by the evaluators. Those participants not meeting the proscribed criteria will be afforded the opportunity to correct any deficiencies.

  • Scholarships

    Tuition assistance is available for qualifying individuals.

    Retail Alliance will be providing 20 fully-paid scholarships to any of our members who attend and complete the Certificate in Retail Operations program. The scholarships will be split evenly for Southside and Peninsula members. The scholarships cover the $495 tuition for the full Certificate program. A $100 deposit is required but is reimbursed upon completion. If a member cannot afford the $100, other funding may be available. This is a member benefit and will be available on a first come first served basis for any one employee of any of our Retail Alliance members. The scholarship is only for those students who complete the entire Certificate program. Contact a Retail Alliance Membership Advisor to discuss further.

  • Methodology

    Each week participants will gather in a virtual classroom setting to learn each module (each module lasts two weeks). Although the facilitator will oversee the classroom, an individual class may be taught by other, more specific subject matter experts.

    The facilitator works with a specific cohort for the entire length of the program, providing continuity and accountability. The facilitator is responsible for assisting participants in staying on track, and alerting the Program Director of any problems.