Frequently Asked Questions
We realize there are a lot of questions you may have, and we are working on adding these to this site. In the meantime, please contact us through our contact form and we will respond asap. Thank you!
14 weeks for complete Certificate course or 2 weeks for each module.
The CROps program covers 7 topics. classes - Startup, Retail Accounting, Marketing and Advertising, Merchandising and Inventory Management, HR Management, Loss Prevention and Security, Business Planning.
As class sizes are kept small, seats are at a premium. Full payment is required upfront unless you are a member of Retail Alliance and approved for a Retail Alliance scholarship, in which case you are required to pay $100 deposit, refunded on completion of course.
The next cohort will commence January 31, 2022.
If you are a member of Retail Alliance, reach out to your Membership Advisor for more details.
Classes are held virtually over Zoom.
The Certificate is designed for all types of retail.
This Certificate has been specially designed for the retail industry. There are many great courses available throughout the region and also online but we have kept ours focused on retail topics.